“数理讲堂”2024年第39期:Bochner Formula for Energy Density and its Applications to Harmonic Maps

发布时间:2024-11-21 供稿:数理与统计学院 分享至:

主题:Bochner Formula for Energy Density and its Applications to Harmonic Maps

时间:11月22日 18:30-20:30



高瑞,男,上海交通大学博士生,导师为朱苗苗教授,主要研究方向是二维具有共形不变性的几何变分问题,特别是二维调和映射和具有预定平均曲率曲面的紧性和存在性相关问题。目前已有相关成果被Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ.期刊接收。


In this lecture, we'll explore the Bochner technique in differential geometry, focusing on deriving a Bochner-type formula for harmonic maps and its applications. We will begin by introducing the Bochner technique and highlighting its significance within the field of differential geometry. Following this introduction, we will derive the Bochner-type formula for harmonic maps, drawing on foundational consequences such as the Eells-Sampson’s theorem, which addresses basic existence results for harmonic maps. Additionally, we will examine various applications of the Bochner formula in the context of harmonic maps.
